We live in a country where obesity is the leading cause of death for Americans. 50 percent of American families are overweight, unhealthy and are on more medications than you can imagine in order to maintain being alive. Not only are we as a country significantly unhealthy and overweight, we are dying before the age of 50.
When is enough going to be enough? When should parents intervene in their children's life? When will those in charge change our food chains and alter portion sizes in restaurants? How many people need to die to wake America up? The questions can go on and on. But who cares? It doesn't seem as though anyone is listening.
The Biggest Loser is in its eleventh season. The first family has a garden that produces fresh and organic vegetables to their community. Iron Chef America hosts special battles promoting healthy eating. Is any of it really working? Sure, friends and families of contestants watch, but how far does it go? Whatever the rate, it isn't fast enough.
We are fresh into the new year and a number one resolution for many people around the world is to lose weight. Guess what? IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO WANT IT! You need to put your words into actions and start moving. Walk around the block every day. Run one mile. Eat one salad every day for lunch. Join a dance class twice a week. And no one said you have to do it alone.
Did you know that starting a habit is easier than breaking one? It takes more than three weeks to break a habit. After one month of intense cardio and kickboxing with my trainer and joining Weight Watchers for $1 (only available until March) my body had kicked into gear.
I challenge you to check out their new program. It allows you to eat around 30 points a day, with an additional 47 for the week to be used as you wish and extra awarded points for any activity or workout. Don't sit around and wait for your life to change. It won't. Be true to your word and have integrity for your own life and the lives of your family and friends.
I totally did Jillian Michael's 'No More Trouble Zones' workout a few hours ago with my roommate! My quads are burning already. It's amazing!