Before you begin to think this post is going to be sentimental, I should warn you that this is normal for me.
I moved out of my parents house just over a year ago. We only live 20 miles away, but in Los Angeles traffic that means 45 minutes. It's perfect. I'm far enough way to live my life and be independent, yet close enough to home to have a weekly dinner. Plus, you can't get better parents than mine.
I have grown up in a family where I was given an abundant amount of love and unconditional support. Whether it was my changing of schools, coming out and dating a girl or my half a dozen major switches my family didn't hesitate to lend a shoulder or an ear.
Getting back on track, my parents called me a week ago. This was the conversations:
Dad: "Hey sweetie, what are you doing next week?"
Me: "I don't know. Work? Friends? Why?"
Dad: "Your mother and I want to take you out, just the three of us."
Me: "Am I in trouble?"
Yes it was funny, but the real reason for the call was to invite me out to lunch so they could acknowledge all my hard work. Yes, this is a normal conversation between my parents and me.
Today is that day. They took me out to this beautiful restaurant, Saddle Peak Lodge, where we sat for over an hour and shared. I'll spare you the details. I'll tell you more if you request it in your comments or an email to me.
Now my mom is making a home cooked meal: grilled white fish, roasted artichokes and a fresh salad with figs. Meanwhile, I am sitting in the living room watching Eat, Pray, Love with my grandma and dad. My brothers are in their rooms playing video games and watching SNL episodes.
I always love visiting home. Dinner is about ready so it's time to go. But later, it will be time for Taboo and Pictionary! Wish me luck!
------> Check them out! Totally worth it!
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